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WaterWorks Discovery Day

WaterWorks Discovery Day

Venue: WaterWorks Centre

Available: All year

Key subject: Geography, History, Science

Suitable for: KS2, 7 - 11 years

This unique wetland habitat created from a disused water treatment facility, formally named the Essex Filter Beds, was used to clean Victorian London’s drinking water. Bring the water cycle to life and uncover local history, follow chronological events that link to the history of London and learn about the effect of dirty water on the population before heading to one of the largest bird hides in London to observe waterbird behaviour in this important refuge for wildlife.

Session covers: Local history study; chronology; historical interpretation and enquiry; locational knowledge in East London over time; stages of the water cycle. Working scientifically to observe live birds including identification, classification adaptations; geographical skills and fieldwork

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